Terms of Service
Comprehensive Back Care & Chiropractic Treatment
Terms of Service
Our Commitment to You:
At Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic we pride ourselves on providing an excellent service. We promise to be:
- Professional
- Friendly
- Honest with you at all times
- Dedicated to doing our best to help you.
Our approach is to tailor our offering to your individual needs, and to deliver our treatment as effectively and efficiently as we can. We don’t just want you to be satisfied with our service; we want you to be delighted. If you have any questions, or are unsure about any aspect of your treatment, your chiropractor will be happy to provide you with further information.
At Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic we are proud of the great outcomes that we see every day, and the amazing success stories that our clients report. Unfortunately, a small minority of people do not respond to care as we would hope. The chiropractors are committed to reassessing their patients on a regular basis to make sure that adequate progress is being made. On your first visit they will tell you how many visits they anticipate that you will require, and when to expect a formal reassessment. If for any reason your condition is not improving as hoped, the chiropractor will want to have an honest discussion with you about what to do next, and will provide advice and “sign-posting” to ensure that you have a route forwards.
How you can maximise the benefit from your Chiropractic visits:
Before starting on a course of treatment, it is important that you understand that your response to treatment, and recovery, depends not just on the treatment, but also on your actions outside the Clinic between your visits. Here are some of the ways that you can maximise the benefit that you experience from our care:
- Apply ice and/or heat as directed
- Set aside time to perform any exercises or self-treatment activities given
- Drink sufficient water to maintain good levels of hydration (looking for pale coloured urine is a good way to achieve this). Work to reduce your alcohol, tobacco and caffeine intake if these are issues for you (consider using a Hypnotherapy App such as Clear Minds if you need help with this).
- After receiving treatment, factor in time to rest. Do not exercise excessively or start a new activity in the days immediately following a treatment. However, it is essential to remain active, and to work on becoming more active if you are inclined to be too sedentary.
- Avoid sustained postures. Ideally, move around every 20 minutes, either by walking around or performing some posture break exercises (https://youtu.be/Ad16tTMnWVg).
- Try to optimise your posture during your daily activities. This might include consideration of your desk/work station set up (https://youtu.be/yI4xzpTRIgQ), car seat adjustments (https://youtu.be/uvX6ntQ25eY), and sitting posture (at work, but also on the sofa).
These are general points that apply to most people. Further details, and Advice Sheets that can be downloaded/printed, can be found on the Advice and Self-Help page of our website.
During your treatments, the chiropractor will offer advice that is tailored to your specific situation. We consider this to be an important part of the recovery process. Please feel free to ask questions if you would like your chiropractor to explain further about how you can help yourself.
Please be aware that we require at least 24 hours notice if you wish to cancel or move an appointment. A Late Cancellation Fee will be charged if you don’t turn up for your appointment or cancel at short notice. Reminder emails are sent 48 hours before your appointment; we can also organise for a reminder text to be sent to you 24 hours and/or 2 hours before your appointment, and /or for Reception to give you a call the day before. Please speak to the Reception Team if there is anything we can do to help you remember your appointment; missed appointments mean that someone who was in pain may not have been able to come for treatment.
If you are unhappy with our service in any way:
It is really important to us that we provide a quality service, and have satisfied clients. If we have failed to meet your expectations in any way we want to know. Please tell the Receptionist, or your Chiropractor, if there is anything that you feel we could be doing better, or if we have fallen short of the standards that we set ourselves in any way. We will be grateful for the feedback and for the chance to put things right.
Complaints Procedure:
If we have failed to meet your expectations in any way we want to know. Please tell Reception or your Chiropractor if there is anything that you feel we could be doing better, or if we have fallen short of the standards that we set ourselves in any way.
If you wish to make a formal complaint then please do this as soon as possible to enable us to address the matter promptly. Complaints should be addressed to the Clinic Director, Michelle Carrington. You can do this in a number of ways:
In writing to: Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic, 40 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AB
Or: email Michelle directly through her personal email, which is: michelle@haslemerechiropractic.com
Or: ask Reception for an appointment with Michelle to discuss your complaint.
Please be as specific as possible about the complaint that you wish to make to allow us to investigate the matter thoroughly. We promise to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. If appropriate, a meeting will be set up within 10 days of your complaint to discuss the matter with you. If something has made you dissatisfied with the care that we provide we will be anxious to find out what we can do to resolve the situation, and if we have been at fault we will want to take action to prevent something similar from happening again.
If you feel that we have not adequately dealt with your concerns, or you wish to go straight to our regulatory body, complaints can be sent directly to:
General Chiropractic Council
44 Wicklow Street
Tel: 020 77135155