Shockwave Therapy

What Is It?
Shockwave therapy is a safe and effective treatment modality for the treatment of a number of conditions including shoulder pain, elbow pain, foot and ankle pain. There is no medication involved and the treatment is non-invasive. Pain relief and ease of movement can usually be felt immediately following treatment.
At Haslemere we have invested in top of the range equipment, the EMS Dolorclast Radial Shockwave Unit, which is the most powerful Radial Shockwave device on the market. This is the shockwave unit that been used most in the research, so the majority of research data is based on the outcomes of these machines.
NICE guidelines recommend Shockwave Therapy as an effective treatment option for persistent tendinopathies (see below for examples of these). The evidence suggests that if the treatment is effective, and underlying issues have also been dealt with, that Shockwave Therapy can sometimes provide a permanent solution to these problems.
What Can Shockwave Therapy Help With?
Shockwave therapy can help with most chronic (longstanding) tendon and soft tissue problems. These include tennis and golfer’s elbow, rotator cuff tendinopathy, calcific tendinopathy, Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, lateral hip pain, and many more common conditions that are typically linked to overuse.
If you have a complaint such as these that never quite seems to clear up, regularly recurs, or hasn’t responded to regular treatment as hoped, Shockwave Therapy is a great option.
How Does It Work?
Shockwave therapy uses kinetic energy (in the form of high energy impulses) which is converted to shockwaves and transmitted to tissue at the site of pain. This produces an inflammatory response which the body responds to by increasing metabolic activity to the site of pain which stimulates/accelerates the natural healing process.
Shockwave Therapy reduces pain by causing the removal of Substance P from C-nerve fibres. It also helps to improve blood circulation at the target area, which helps to accelerate healing. In addition, Shockwave Therapy can improve mobility, as it helps to break down scar tissue and stimulate tendon remodelling.
What Does Shockwave Therapy Involve?
The Shockwave application part of the treatment itself lasts approximately 5 minutes per session. Typically, it would be coupled with rehabilitative exercises, which is the approach that has been shown to produce optimum recovery and to maximise treatment outcomes.
Kanika, Fiona, Daniela and Stuart are all qualified to deliver Shockwave Therapy. Kanika is a an enthusiastic fan, after experiencing the benefits of it herself. Kanika says;
“After receiving shockwave therapy for my golfer’s elbow, I have found that I had increased mobility and strength, and markedly reduced pain levels in my elbow. I could feel the difference immediately.”
To maximise the benefit, a course of treatment is required. It is usual to advise patients to book a series of 3 sessions, which can be sufficient to resolve many issues. For long-standing or stubborn complaints, it may be necessary to book up to a further 3 sessions. Your progress will be assessed at all stages to ensure that you are responding as hoped to the treatment. Maximum benefit is typically felt up to 4 months after the initial course of Shockwave Therapy. If you still have symptoms after this time, it might be that a further course of treatment could be helpful; our chiropractors would be happy to reassess your condition and provide advice.
Patients who are already registered at Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic can proceed to book their first Shockwave Therapy appointment. If you would like to speak to one of our chiropractors before booking, please call Reception to arrange a time for a chat.
You can find further information about what to expect if you come for Shockwave Therapy, who it is suitable for, contra-indications and risks, and other FAQs in our related blog.
IF YOU ARE NOT AN EXISTING CLINIC PATIENT, call Reception on 01428 642778 and book an Initial Consultation with Kanika, Fiona, Daniela or Stuart. At the time of booking, please state that you specifically want Shockwave Therapy.