At Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic we are keen to help provide people who suffer from llong-termback and neck pain with a drug-free and effective solution to managing their back and neck pain. Back and neck pain are common symptoms that affect most of us at some time, and for many people, this pain can become an ongoing part of their lives.
BackCare Awareness Week (3-8 October) seems like an excellent time to focus on how debilitating these symptoms can be, and what can be done to treat and prevent back and neck pain. Chiropractic is a profession that specialises in drug-free back and neck pain management, and at Haslemere Chiropractic our patients frequently tell us that they have felt able to reduce, or even stop, their pain relief medication as a result of our care.
In recent weeks there have been stories in the media, based on research papers published in the British Medical Journal, telling us that NSAIDs such as ibuprofen can increase the risk of heart failure , and the paracetamol is no longer considered to be an effective drug to manage lower back pain . In addition, anyone who watched the second episode of the BBC programme “The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs” will also have been struck by the limitations of opiod based medication for managing long term pain. This excellent programme is still available on the BBC i-player until mid-October, and is well worth a watch! A couple of messages from this programme were:
- Some painkillers only work for 4-6 weeks;
- Becoming more active has multiple health benefits, and de-conditioning through lack of activity by patients in pain can be a real barrier to recovery;
- People need to be supported through drug free alternatives.
You may also have spotted some articles in the press recently such as the Daily Mail, originating from a survey conducted by the British Chiropractic Association. This research showed that both women and men are suffering from back or neck pain at an increasingly early age. Women in the UK are typically starting to suffer with back and neck pain at the tender age of 28, and men fare only slightly better typically first battling back and neck pain from the age of 32. Further information about this research, and advice about preventing back and neck pain can be found on the British Chiropractic Association’s website.
During BackCare Awareness Week (3-8 October), the chiropractors at Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic (located opposite Waitrose, and next to Seabright’s Butchers) are encouraging anyone who has been suffering from back pain to come along and have a free 20 minute consultation with a chiropractor. You are, of course, welcome to ask about chiropractic, and find out whether our treatment might help provide relief from your pain. You are also welcome to ask any questions about managing your back and neck pain, including getting tips on posture, ergonomics and the best type of exercise. Please note that because we are a drug free profession, it is beyond our remit to advise specifically about medication.
Give Haslemere Chiropractic Reception a call on 01428 642778 if you would like to book in for some free advice!