Complaints Procedure

If we have failed to meet your expectations in any way we want to know. Please tell Reception or your Chiropractor if there is anything that you feel we could be doing better, or if we have fallen short of the standards that we set ourselves in any way.

If you wish to make a formal complaint then please do this as soon as possible to enable us to address the matter promptly. Complaints should be addressed to the Clinic Director, Michelle Carrington. You can do this in a number of ways:

In writing to: Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic, 40 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AB

Or: email Michelle directly via the contact form (left) or through her email, which is:

Or: ask Reception for an appointment with Michelle to discuss your complaint.

Please be as specific as possible about the complaint that you wish to make to allow us to investigate the matter thoroughly. We promise to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. If appropriate, a meeting will be set up within 10 days of your complaint to discuss the matter with you. If something has made you dissatisfied with the care that we provide we will be anxious to find out what we can do to resolve the situation, and if we have been at fault we will want to take action to prevent something similar from happening again.

If you feel that we have not adequately dealt with your concerns, or you wish to go straight to our regulatory body, complaints can be sent directly to:

General Chiropractic Council
44 Wicklow Street

Tel: 020 77135155