Babies & Children
People are often surprised that babies and children may receive chiropractic care.
Chiropractic care for children includes a combination of gentle techniques applied to the spine and limbs, and soft tissue work to relieve areas of tension. In addition, cranial work may be used.
Many Midwives and Health Visitors are familiar with chiropractic care / cranio-sacral therapy for babies and children, and may suggest this approach.

Michelle Carrington and Daniela Carini are our practitioners with a special interest in babies and children. Both are experienced chiropractors with post graduate training in paediatric care, and mums who appreciate the ups and downs of being a parent! In addition to being a chiropractor, Michelle is also a qualified cranio-sacral therapist. Daniela utilises cranial techniques learnt through her study of Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT).
At Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic we strongly believe that children should be able to understand a simple explanation about the chiropractor’s findings and recommendations, and that their visits are a comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone.
All babies and toddlers who are booked in with Michelle will receive a blend of chiropractic care and cranio-sacral therapy. With teenage children of her own, Michelle is passionate about teaching teenagers about the importance of good posture and “habits for life”.
Daniela has two young children, so is very familiar with this age group. She is also experienced in supporting mums through the pre- and post- natal period, with training in a number of special techniques in this area.
If you would like further advice regarding chiropractic care for your child, Michelle or Daniela will be happy to offer you a FREE telephone advice session. Please call Reception on 01428 642778 to book your call.
Babies & Pre-School:
Helping Babies with Breastfeeding
Older Children:
Back Pain in School Children: The Size of the Problem